Geeta Devi, broke the norms to build a toilet inside her house is an inspiration to one and all.
"Even after being blind and not having a regular source of income, I constructed a toilet, why cannot you do so after receiving so much support."
Ghanshyam Prasad,
Gosaipur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
"I converted my kitchen into a toilet to ensure that my adolescent daughters do not have to defecate in the open."
Geeta Devi
Taramau Gadi, Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh
"I was very concerned about the safety of the women in my family so I decided to build a toilet."
Tanak Toti
Bhagalpur, Bihar
"Being ODF is very important. Everyone in the village is happier and I strictly encourage other villages to strive towards making their village ODF."
Tennese, Village Pradhan
Tarmau Gadi, Kannauj,Uttar Pradesh